We left Beaufort at 6:55 in order to get out a Slack tide. Our cruise today was a short one to Oriental Marina only 21 miles.
Our dock Shrimp boat right across from us
We went out for lunch shortly after getting tied up

We walked around the small town and did a little shopping. They even opened up the art and jewelry shop right across the street from the Marina.

Barbara found some future Christmas gifts and a necklace that she scored. I sat on the from porch and waited in a chair with a lions head on it.

Barbara said she likes the Lion’s hair style better than mine. Guess I need to grow my main out a little longer.
Our Marina had a small hotel with a Tiki Bar right off the Docks. They also had a restaurant on site called Toucan. The bartender told us that it was haunted. Peopled had seen an older woman there…sounded believable to us!

One day here was all we needed so moved on the next morning. We are docking next at a private dock owned by the Gold Looper Lab Partners. This day’s trip is only 25.9 miles. Not lots to see along the way but saw this coming from the other direction.
Thought about if you sold this tractor or had to make a service call on it how would you get that done. Heard after we passed this place we should have stopped for fresh fish or shrimp.

Their home is about 1 mile off of the ICW in a not overly deep creek. We stirred up a little mud getting in but got tied up by 1:30. Beautiful home site in wide spot in the creek. They have had lots of water come into their lot during the last 2 hurricanes.

We along with Jim and Jackie from Dona Pacem had a wonderful pot luck dinner in Rip and Beth’s beautiful home.

The next morning we got moving early and with an east wind blowing the water out of the area we slowly retraced our track back to the ICW. We only had 18.8 miles to travel to the town of Belhaven NC. We tided up to the Belhaven Waterway Marina at 11:14 AM with lots of current and wind to deal with.
Nice short trip but a little drama to keep your nerves sharp. Then it was time for a few beers to relax. We had some shrimp for lunch at Farmer Boys then walked across the street to the ace hardware store, We picked up some new bungee straps for the canvas cover of our dingy, got some new basil plants and a cute coat hook. Jim and Jackie gave us a golf cart tour of the town then we went to this beautiful old mansion that has been totally restored, it was magnificent!
People rent it out for weddings. It’s right on the water, it would make a great venue. Later that evening we had a drink at our marina with 3 other looper boats before we went to dinner. We were all a little disappointed I hate to say. Joe’s filet was a little over cooked and my flounder didn’t have much taste. My martini was delicious though.
There was this pole showing all the heights of the water during past hurricanes at our Marina.
Another handy sign we have been seeing in North Carolina is a mileage mark sort of like you see on the interstate. They are located on the Intercostal Coastal Water every 5 miles.

Next stop was 47.3 Miles away Alligator Waterway Marina. This was through the Alligator River as it is called. Its more like traveling in a ditch that goes on for mile after mile. The Marina is really a Gulf gas station that has a few docks behind it. It’s sort of in the middle of nowhere. But it was a good stop over until the Weather cleared up.
Big waves Big Wind

Later that night Tow Boat US towed an 82’ yacht into our marina after it had run aground. They charged them $11,000 to tow that boat. Moral of the story, don’t text and drive….even on a boat! Expensive mistake. It’s the first boat from the left in the photo above.

While waiting for the weather to calm down we rented a van with R Time and Dona Pacem and drove to Kill DevilHills NC which is where the Wright Brothers National Museum is located. It was a very historical afternoon.

Well…we decided on April 27th it was finally time to leave Alligator River Marina and cross Ambermarle Sound. First R Time left, then Dona Pacem finally us. We all thought later we should have stayed one more day. That sound was rocking and rolling! Joe clocked some winds at 40 mph.not often but i’m Pretty sure there were some 4-6’ waves. We looked at each other and said, we are glad we are in a 55’ Fleming. Not fun at all!

We were very happy to make the 12 mile trip across the sound. We traveled up through Elizabeth City and stopped at Lambs Marina. A total of 58.3 miles. It is a small RV park and skinny single ally marina. They were quite excited that such a large boat was trying to squeeze into their place. So it was quite the crowd watching and maybe 6 guys with boat hooks to get us in. It only cost $35 for one night. 2nd night would have been only $30 but we moved on.