We got up this morning and Left Harve de Grace moving towards Chesapeake City. We left around 8 am and only traveled 19.8 miles. We stopped and got 620 gallons of fuel. A little more then what our other modes of transportation hold! We were lucky enough to get to Chesapeake City and find a slot open on their city dock, just $15 a night for electricity. A bargain!
Free wall unless you want electricity or water Very protected cove off the canal We paid the $15
No dock hands but a fellow looper that we hadn’t met helped us with our lines. Wish I had his boat card so I could remember them! Anyway, we walked around town, walked through some shoppes and got a bite for lunch. This was a nice little stop. I was trying to lay low as I still wasn’t 100%. We cleaned a little on the boat and did some laundry.
Joe went over to see the C &D Canal Museum around 3. He really got into what could be done in the early 1800s with steam power. When the canal opened it had 4 locks.
The museum is in the old pump house 1 of 2 Steam engines

We grilled out some steaks and had a salad and some steamed broccoli. We were getting ready to meet up with Dona Pacem the next day preparing to go to Delaware City.

We started out the next morning and quickly changed our plans. It was extremely calm. Today was the day to cross the Delaware Bay! It was a long day on the water. We began at 8:50 and got to Cape May at 3:40 pm.
There were some unusual lighthouses on the Delaware Bay…It was a great calm day, not too taxing at all!

We went through the canal that had an old turntable railroad bridge that was no longer in use to get to the marina. It was full of boat traffic. We made it through easily.

Eventually, we made it to Utsch’s Marina. It was a more commercial marina but, there were lots of loopers there. We met many new people there at a rather large docktails one night.
Lots of loopers
Our first day in Cape May we picked up a rental car and then went to the ferry to pick up our friends, Renee and Charlie Everett.

They lived in Lexington when their children were young…I knew Renee from when I worked in radio and she worked at McAlpin’s in the marketing department. Our children went to the same “daycare”. Darcy, their oldest was the closest to our sons age. We had a great time talking about the days when they were young and catching up over lunch. They came over to our boat and we continued catching up. Before we took them to their hotel we stopped and had an ice cream at a place Charlie and Renee had been before. It was pretty yummy. They went back to their hotel to get ready for dinner. We met our looper friends, DONA Pacem and Island Office at C-View for drinks and $2 pastrami sliders. We got there just in time before the crowds came. We ate/drank and visited before we left to take Charlie and Renee back to their hotel. We made plans to have a beach day the next day. It turned out it was the perfect beach day! No crowds on this Thursday. The next day was the beginning of the Memorial Day Weekend and hordes of people came to the seashore for the weekend. We picked up Renee and Charlie from their hotel then found a place to park by the beach. We spent about two or two and a half hours on the beach and that was good enough for Jim/Jackie, Renee/Charlie and Joe and me. This freckled face has to be careful! We ended up walking around town and found

The Mad Batter Restaurant and Bar where we had salads and sandwiches. Then it was time for shopping. We bought some goodies at a spice store,
I got some sandals and we found a peanut butter store that was crazy good! In fact, we bought 3 jars. We ate at a little joint that night with Island Office, Dona Pacem and their friends Al and Maria. Sliders night. Charlie and Renee only stayed one night. We took them to the ferry terminal and said how great it was to see each other! When they got on the ferry we headed for the US Naval Air Station. We enjoyed it and I was glad it wasn’t a maritime museum!

The next morning we had breakfast with Jim, Jackie, Al and Maria. A NJ favorite, pork roll. It was tasty! Before we took off the next day we stopped in the Lobster House for some smoked salmon and a couple of crab cakes, the last one so far on this trip. We had lunch at Beach Plum Farm with Kitumba, Michelle and Brian. They had a pig roast for the Memorial Day Holiday. It was a nice find! I bought some fresh eggs and some pickles. We had waited for good weather to go out into the Atlantic as NJ doesn’t keep up their ICW.

Old Coke memorable was nice where was it at the museum?
It was in an area that showed daily lives during the time when the airport was operating. We thought of you when we were there!
Hi Joe, Barbara,
Greg, Sandy Millat here. Will you be going thru Lake Erie or the North Channel, Lake Huron?
We’d like to meet up.